Breaking the Silence

ProfKahf Mohja Kahf wrote Ahmad Khaled Uqab died today,Aljezah, #Dara #Syria state tv claims drug dealer,pimp.Maybe 1 of those 64,423 petty criminals bashar VS hunting? Who are these so called criminals that keep on being killed? The war in Syria isn't just about protesters and their desire to have freedom and democracy it's about the people getting killed for disagreeing with the government. In March of 2011 the people protested about their rights that quickly changed after unarmed protesters where shot and killed. The upraise took on new meaning for the Syrian people. Assad regime answered back by calling the protesters terrorist and gangs and kept on killing....


The UNESCO Table of Adjustment to Break the Yoke of Oppression

 "The US power-play of essentially blackmailing the United Nation Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to gain control over the boarders is hampering the Middle East peace process furthermore" McDonald.

Pryor to yesterday's vote by UNESCO the United States in a desperate bid for control threatened reduction of funding if the UNESCO passed a vote to allow the Palestinian state coexistence and bringing its member states to 195. The UNESCO requires a two-thirds approval by UNESCO members,  yesterday's vote passed with 107 in favor, 14 against, and 52 abstentions

The institution UNESCO which meets every two years and has a mission statement of “Building peace in the minds of men and women” through education, science and cultural Organization. According to UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova the "admission of a new member state is a mark of respect and confidence". My initial response was celebratory to hear news of the successful bid for the Palestinians state before the UNESCO now it seems short lived. 

After the historic Palestinian human-rights vote; the United States delivered a blow according to CNN. The State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland. conveyed,  The United States is cutting funding to the U.N. education and science agency UNESCO after the agency voted to accept a Palestinian bid for full membership. Today's vote by the member states of UNESCO to admit Palestine as member is regrettable, premature and undermines our shared goal of a comprehensive just and lasing peace in the Middle East”,   

UNESCO desired outcome if done successfully the integration of a member state is a way to spearhead a genocide and move quickly to a productive society through intellectual achievements. In most environments where there are difference of opinions human-rights is a necessity. The development of civil status helps people live safely in peace. 

The United States policy and opinion is not shared by the majority of countries in the UN and has been critical factor to further isolating both United States and Israel. The United States chose to create a conflict with UNESCO by threatening to punish the future funding, and consequently damaging economic stability to other impoverished countries as well as to the Palestinians.

The United States understands the policy's of the UN.  The pivotal vote involves the fair conscience of the UN body.  The importance of regulation and traditional practices of the voting body of UN members allows stability and substance of the UN charter. UNESCO keen ideal bridges the 21st century human-rights and expression of opinion in a nonviolent manner for majority of the UN members to practice.  

Arab Spring

What's behind the Arab Spring?
Without overly simplifying the cause it looks like civil rights and reform of governments. Many of the governments have leaders who have been empowered for decades and have been found to be corrupt. The protests for change have resulted in serious loss of life and brutal suppression of protesters. The governments responded by ordering their army's to shoot protesters and lockup and torture those that are involved.

There are Grave Concerns About the Violence
In BahrainSyriaLibya, and Yemen there has been a focus on stanch human-rights abuses and atrocities. Its been proven that these governments are firing on unarmed protesters, along with torture, mutilation, and murder of individuals in custody. To lockup protesters is to keep them from protesting further and to use unnecessary violence is unjustifiable.

Eventually the People Change Their Focus
What was once the call of reform has now turned into demands that the current administrations be punished and abolished from power. Protests now have become a necessity as people use their righteous voice in order to cleanse themselves of corruption and cruelty.

As an American I am surprised at the vigor in which our government has responded or hasn't responded in resent events. In the case of Libya there was military support and a petition to the international courts, and in the cases of BahrainSyriaYemen the response has been tolerances. Many Americans have developed a wait and see attitude even as the Arab governments are brutally suppressing the protesters. The US administration argument for tolerances doesn't seem justifiable or righteous.
It’s widely believed that the US doesn't want to lose control of the leadership in those countries and therefore supports the corrupt governments by using tolerance. What little control that the US may have is simply not justified when compared to the human-rights atrocities by the leadership of BahrainSyriaand Yemen. I feel that Americans will punish the current administration in the next elections for their complacency and misbegotten loyalty to the corrupt leaders in the middle East.

Please become a better person and check out the Women for Yemen blogspot 
there are many stories to follow here is one Freedom and Slavery, a desert awakening

New Film from Yemeni Men