They will forward a copy to proper authorities like the Arab League and the United Nations Human Rights Council Commission of Inquiry on Bahrain .
You can copy and paste this into email window or use hyperlinks on page. Please remember to sign your name and country to your letter.
To the relevant authorities:
I write to request the unconditional, immediate release of Abdulhadi Alkhawaja from detention.
Abdulhadi Alkhawaja is a respected Bahraini human rights activist and teacher detained on April 8, 2011 following his involvement in anti-government protests early in 2011. He was beaten during his arrest by masked security forces.
In addition Abdulhadi’s family reports, Abdulhadi has been subjected to torture and other ill-treatment during his time in prison, including being severely beaten and threatened with rape. Following ill-treatment in detention, he was admitted to military hospital for several operations on his head and face, leaving him with 18 plates and 36 screws on his jaw and unable to eat properly. He now is on a hunger strike and needs proper medical treatment.
I remind you that torture is illegal in Bahrain , and the Penal Code of Bahrain stipulates punishment for anyone inflicting torture.
Abdulhadi Alkhawaja has never received a fair trial, and is a prisoners of conscience detained solely for peacefully exercising his rights to freedom of expression and assembly.
I hold the Bahrain government responsible for the safe return of Abdulhadi Alkhawaja . I further request that all prisoners of conscience should be released immediately and unconditionally.
Other Actions you can take
Amnesty letter Demand a fair trial before a civilian court and an investigation into claims of torture and ill-treatment of Abdulhadi al-Khawaja and other prisoners while in detention. by sending an Amnesty letter at
Sign Petitions End the violations against students and educators in Bahrain
Formal mailing to organizations
Snail mail Address at
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Send a copy to Amnesty International
at Snail mail Address
Amnesty International
5 Penn Plaza,
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